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Accuracy of genomic selection predictions for hip height in Brahman cattle using different relationship matrices PAB
Farah,Michel Marques; Fortes,Marina Rufino Salinas; Kelly,Matthew; Porto-Neto,Laercio Ribeiro; Meira,Camila Tangari; Carreño,Luis Orlando Duitama; Fonseca,Ricardo da; Moore,Stephen Stewart.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of genomic information on the genetic evaluation of hip height in Brahman cattle using different matrices built from genomic and pedigree data. Hip height measurements from 1,695 animals, genotyped with high-density SNP chip or imputed from 50 K high-density SNP chip, were used. The numerator relationship matrix (NRM) was compared with the H matrix, which incorporated the NRM and genomic relationship (G) matrix simultaneously. The genotypes were used to estimate three versions of G: observed allele frequency (HGOF), average minor allele frequency (HGMF), and frequency of 0.5 for all markers (HG50). For matrix comparisons, animal data were either used in full or divided into calibration (80%...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bos indicus; Beef cattle; Genomics; Rare alleles.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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